Foam selecteerde hiervoor twee projecten; Family Tree van Ringel Goslinga en _Willem van Willem Popelier. De tentoonstelling is te zien vanaf 2 november 2012 – 28 januari 2013.
Opnieuw 18. De fototentoonstelling (Culturele Zondagen i.s.m. FOTODOK en UTRECHT2018) toont Utrechters met foto’s van hen als 18-jarige en foto’s anno nu, geportretteerd door de fotografen
(1969). De levensgrote portretten zijn te zien vanaf 22 oktober t/m 4 november op het Domplein.
2012 Music &FOAM: Uncovered - Selection Vinyl Record Covers with unusual photography - 'Melomanics - Paranoid' with portraits from the book City People by Ringel Goslinga (> april 2012).
2012 Travelling Exhibition 'Denk vooruit, kijk achterom' with: Cynthia Boll, Ringel Goslinga, Geert van Kesteren, Dana Lixenberg & Bertien van Manen (March 12th -23rd September 2012).
2012 Portrait 'Reinbert de Leeuw' at The Dutch National Portrait Prize - part of Silver Camera - The Hague Museum of Photography.
2011 Exhibition: Foxtrot Whiskey at the Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf with 108 pictures of 'Family Tree'.
2011 City People at 'The Temporary Stedelijk 2 - Sunday Book Fair'
2010 FW: @ Motto Berlin. 13.02.2010, 'If you like this, you might also...'
2009 Pages (by Fw: platform for young Dutch photographers). Participation of ‘Family Tree’ at Pages, in the Fundación Antonio Saura, Cuenca (Spain), part of the official program of PhotoEspana 2009.
2009 ART BOOKS IN LIGHT. Participation of ‘Family Tree’ in W139. The books of twenty different editors, from the Netherlands and Belgium, presented in an interior designed by Bert Paulich.
2009 ACF, Amsterdams Centrum voor Fotografie, 'Work in Progress - De Visie'. Presentatie van nieuw project 'Amsterdam, City People'.
2009 Arenbergschouwburg,
Antwerpen; 'De Grote Ontmoeting - Nederland Vlaanderen'. A presentation in the form of a projection.
2008 Fonds BKVB; Toekenning 038 - Publicaties.
2008 Stedelijk Museum CS, Amsterdam, The Best Designed Books 2007.
2008 Kasseler Fotofrühling 2008. Pages by Fw:
2008 Pages (by Fw: platform for young Dutch photographers); A unique picture of the wide range of Dutch photo books and journals published in the past five years. Exhibition of in the Dutch Photography Museum in Rotterdam and the Dorottya Gallery in Budapest.
2008 Art Rotterdam. Presentation Special Edition FT (by Veenman Publishers).
2007 Among Photographers, Koos Breukel in the Photographic Museum, The Hague, 3 portraits.
2007 Museum aan Huis, Simon van Gijn, Familie in Beeld, Vriesendorp uit Dordrecht, 2x88 portraits.
2007 De Mamma’s en de Pappa’s, ACF (Amsterdams Centrum voor Fotografie), 1 portrait.
2006 pAn Amsterdam, Series TG Casco, 10 portraits.
2006 HUP festival, Olympic Stadion Amsterdam, 10 portraits.
2004 Arie’s Choice, Hotel Arena, Amssterdam, 11 portraits.
Solo exhibitions
2011 Window exhibition at Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum: Excerpt from the chapter 'City' from the book City People
2011 Amsterdams Stadsarchief , De Bazel - Looped Video Presentation of the project 'City People'.
2008 Fw: ‘One Weekend Show’ (Ringel Goslinga vs. Erik van der Weijde) in ‘Het Wilde Weten’, Rotterdam, 148 portraits.
2008 Lumen Gallery, Budapest, ‘Family Tree’, 108 portraits, (part of Fw: Pages).
2007 Launch of book and exhibition of ‘Family Tree’. Serieuze Zaken Studioos, Rob Malasch, 108 portraits.
2007 FOAM 3h, Family Tree, 96 portraits.
2013 Pf nr. 1 - februari-maart 2013. Portretten in zwart-wit. Tekst:
Jan Paul Mioulet 2012 Mister Motley #33 - over onze ouders. In consequence of exchange of letters with Heske ten Cate, Ringel Goslinga made a sequel to Family Tree.
2011 Cover and pictures at oeuvre book: 'Kijk! dat is freek'
2011 Book review of City People at - NRC Next 'Met trots een stip in het leven van Ringel Goslinga' (
woensdag 11 mei 2011).
2011 Book review of City People at - PS Kunst van Het Parool: 'Kringen rond Ringel' door Mark Moorman (woensdag 2 maart 2011).
2011 Publications in Jubilee book 'Mensen recht doen. 25 Jaar Geuzenpenning (1987-2011)'
2011 Review of the Book 'City People' at the website
2011 Ringel Goslinga - City People, ISBN 9789077459546, Roma Publication 151, 304 pp
2010 Lumen Gallery; third book, a catalogue of the exhibitions.
2010 Review of the presentation 'Best Verzorde Jaarverslagen 2010' - with award winning annual report of VSBfonds 2009 - at the website
2010 Review of the annual report VSBfonds 2009 on the website of
2010 DeFOTOgraaf, journal for professional pictures, no. 2-2010, p. 31 till 34, 'Postzegels verzamelen'.
2010 3 portraits for 'De Poffer, vrouwentooi in Brabant', ISBN 9789087300272, 2010
2010 Fw:7 Pages, The Quickscan Edition, If You Like This, You Might Also Like..., Special Edition for the exhibition 'Quickscan' in 'Nederlands Fotomuseum'.
2009 Fw: 7 Pages, The Cuenca Edition. A unique picture of the wide range of Dutch photo books and journals published in the past years.
2009 City People, part tree in an ongoing series, contains 23 portraits printed with a HP Laserjet.
2009 Fw:8 'One Weekend', 21 x 27 cm, 120 pagina's, Nederlandstalig (Dutch language only)
2009 City People, part two in an ongoing series, contains 22 portraits printed with a HP Laserjet.
2009 P/f Magazine, Februari 2009, 'Richard Avedon als inpiratiebron'.
2008 City People, part one in an ongoing series, contains 21 portraits printed with a HP Laserjet.
2008 This is not a book (book). Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken. ISBN 978-90-5965-082-4
2008 Book review of ‘Family Tree’ in ‘De Groene Amsterdammer/Cultuur/Page 31/Friday 29th of Februari 2008’ by Gustaaf Peek.
2008 Book review of ‘Family Tree’ in newspaper ‘De Volkskrant/Thursday 14th of Februari 2008’ by Merel Bem.
2008 Fw: Publication of ‘Pages’. A unique picture of the wide range of Dutch photo books and journals published in the past five years.
2008 Book review of ‘Family Tree’ in newspaper ‘Het Parool/PS4/Books/Thursday 24th of January 2008’ by Jos Bloemkolk.
2008 First Edition of FOAM Album 2007.
ISBN 978-90-70516-07-9
2008 Book review of ‘Family Tree’ at by Han Schoonhoven.
2007 Family Tree (book), Veenman Publishers, Design Johan Thermænius en Roger Willems.
ISBN 978-90-8690-122-7
2007 Among Photographers (book), Veenman Publishers. ISBN/EAN 978-90-8690-0817
2007 Photo Q – jaarboek 2006-2007 (book), The Analoge Toolbox van Ringel Goslinga, Stichting PhotoQ.
2007 Familie in Beeld (book), Vriesendorp uit Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-71722-18-9
2007 Master Thesis; Facing Difference: A Comparative Visual Study of the Face-motif in Art Photography and Historical Studies of Physiognomy by Quirijn Backx.
2007 Het Parool (newspaper), Jos Bloemkolk, 1 february 2007, page 20.
2006 Watch (magazine), ‘de Nederlandse Topfotografen van dit Moment’.
2006 The New Vintage Photography Catalogue (book), HUP Editions Amsterdam.
2004 Uitgelicht 4 (book), Fonds BKVB, ISBN 978-90-76936-09-9
Commissioned Work
2013 Portraits for NRC Weekend - 'Sprekend'.
2013 Nijgh & Van Ditmar: Arnon Grunberg
2013 Tijdschrift voor Marketing:
Yoeri Albrecht, Marketeers of the Year, ..
2013 Stadsarchief Amsterdam. Ter gelegenheid van de Merkelbach Benefietavond op 4 april worden ter plekke portretten gemaakt door fotografen Ringel Goslinga, Robin de Puy en Petra Stavast.
2012 Filmcast for '
Cornea' by Jochem de Vries
2012 Tijdschrift voor Marketing:
Linda Boks, Ton Schoonderbeek en Alfred Levi,
2012 nooit geweten, nooit zo gemeten - Een fascinerend inkijkje in de zeven projecten van het
ZonMw programma Disability Studies. Indringende portretten – in woord en beeld – van mensen die meededen met het onderzoek.
2012 A series of portraits for 'Flatulence Liver Bowel Foundation'.
2012 Portraits for NRC Weekend - 'Sprekend'.
2011 Portraits for NRC Weekend - 'Sprekend'.
2011 Portraits for NRC Weekblad.
2010 Portrait for '
Sena Performers' , journal for executive artists, sept. 2010, no. 3 volume 10
2010 Photography for: '1.289 Projecten 23.6 Miljoen Euro', the annual report VSBfonds 2009
2010 Portraits for NRC Weekblad.
2010 Lof, special edition of a magazine for Military Women.
2009 Portraits for NRC Weekblad.
2009 Portraits of students for IMC Weekendschool.
2011 Photo Book Marathon, Huis Marseille, interview by Edie Peters
2011 Live interview by
Andrea van Pol for 'GKf thema avond' at
2011 Online: Hans Gremmen in conversation with Ringel Goslinga concerning the project City People at
Fotodok videos.
2010 Workshop Photography at
St Joost Breda, wednesday 20th january – saturday 23rd january 2010.
2008 Photo Book Marathon, Huis Marseille, interview by Edie Peters
2008 Lecture: The Perfect Book with Ringel Goslinga, Anoushka van Velzen and Wytske van keulen, ACF, Amsterdam
2008 Interview at Radio 1 ‘Nacht van het Goede Leven’ by Adeline van Lier (Monday 31st March- 1:00-2:30 AM).
2012 Nominated for The Dutch National Portrait Prize - part of Silver Camera -
report of the jury
2011 European Design Awards: awarded silver - VSB Foundation annual report 2009.
2010 Best Annual Report 2010 - annual report VSBfonds 2009 by GrafischPapierHier
2009 Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, Basic Stipend.
2008 Best Book Design 2007 by ‘Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken’ for ‘Family Tree’.
2007 Publication Grant, the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.
2006 Basic Stipend, the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.
2004 Starter Stipend, the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.
2013 Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht - Teacher Narratief Fotograferen
2012 Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht - Teacher Narratief Fotograferen
2011 Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht - Teacher Narratief Fotograferen